I thought I’d share….
My view and my glimmers of joy…..(And) Something I’ve been working on.
Finding (even when it’s small or feels impossible) little glimmers of hope and joy. Naming out loud five things that went well. Start in the morning. Do it again in the afternoon. Meet these thoughts in the evening.
Today I attending a celebration of life in a baby shower. Last night and lately I’ve been on my knees for a dear friend who’s in a terribly dark place. I was in a dark place before that even.
Waves 🌊 of life can feel like a fierce riptide. One that pulls you under and disorients you to His blessings and plans for you.
Have you ever been caught in a riptide? It’s terrifying, disorienting, dark and tossed about like a rag doll with no power of your own. You are upside down and right side up and you just don’t know.
Remember…. A thief does not come to steal from an empty house 🏡. There is value. The more you are under attack… could it be to distract you from what God is doing?
His healing? Providing?
His being with you in the darkness. Maybe getting out of my darkness was joining another’s battle and taking it before the Lord….
Take it before the Lord. Join others in their battles. Seek out the sunsets 🌅 of life and absorb the glow of it, make it your own, become a moon 🌝 and reflect it to others even.
What are your five glimmers of joy today?
Comment 👩💻📲 below 👇🏼 and let us know!!
Crafty Blessings ~ Jamie mwah 💋
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