Friday, July 7, 2017

As we time travel... our trip to Thailand begins!

Cheers!  My husband John and I set forth in our trip to Thailand.. we left at 5am on July 5th to set out to LAX, Korean Air and our first stop - Seoul, Korea.  With less than 3 hours of sleep (4th of July was spent with friends and family at two BBQ's, pool party ended up at my home and fireworks!) we were ready to fly!  (Seoul is 16 hours ahead of our timezone, Phuket Thailand is 14 hours ahead so we flew into a new day, time traveling - quite literally, lol!)
I was pleasantly surprised - there is more leg room than flights within the USA, free wine with the meals, the meals weren't half bad either.
Saying good-bye (for now) to our home of Southern California.... 
THIS!  So Korea Air wanted the windows shut, lights off.  I broke the rules when I peeked out to see this island.  I didn't know where I was but the flight attendant showed me - and this is Cold Bay, ALASKA!
Our flight.. so in Homeschooling my kids through Classical Conversations we've learned so much in geography.  I can say, proudly, that I actually reccognize a majority of this.  Did you know that 13 years ago, we had an exchange student from Mongolia?  Our kids from then are still close to us, thanks to Facebook!  I can see where Byamba lives on here!
Wine.. it helped me to snag a 2 hour nap, lol.  Cheers - this and movies, playing music and sheer exhaustion.. the trip wasn't as tough as I thought (though my bum was dead about 2/3rd of the way in).
In Seoul Korea you can find a little bit of America!  Starbucks!  Cheers from our 4 hour layover.
Beautiful culture surrounds us.  They had this lovely lady singing at the Korean Airport.
We arrived, exhausted, but blessed in Thailand at 11am.  Arriving at our hotel I was stoked to see this sign - we'd made it!  Hello vacation, adventures and Stampin' Up!
Breakfast of champions.  First of all, I LOVE my coffee and was stoked to see a cappuccino bar.  Latte art is so much fun - this kitty was almost too cute to drink!  Pho type soup for breakfast with a yummy chili paste.. I had a full line up of food from American to Asian but I really liked the noodles for breakfast (oh and raw honey-comb, fresh fruits and juices as well).
Hubby was loving the gourmet waffles and pancake bar, the view and having had a good night's sleep!
THIS VIEW!  So, we flew out early having extended our trip.  We woke to coffee, breakfast and this view!
Putting my feet up isn't really my gig.  I much prefer feet up as I soar over mountains lol.  This is the view from our suite.  The pool is lovely, the rains and sound of wind blowing off of the ocean takes my breath away.  Scoring a massage and we are off to a walk on the beach and then dinner on the beach!  I hope that you enjoyed a peek into the fun we are having - I can't wait to Zipline and show you the pictures - lol.  Thanks for YOUR Support in helping me to earn this trip.  With the top 1% of Stampin' Up! demonstrators from all over the world, I'm in a class of amazing people (little ol' me - a wife and mom with a small farm!).  

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What Others are SAYING about Getting Crafty with Jamie

Jamie is so passionate and creative about making cards - and wants everyone else to join her in the fun! She is so encouraging and positive in her attitude, helping me along when I get frustrated - and then rejoicing with me at the finished product! I love going to her classes to get new ideas, learn techniques, and have loads of fun in the process. ~ Christine C.

Jamie has wicked awesome classes! If you don’t like a particular stamp or paper/ink color Jamie wants you to change it to suit your style! I did my sister-in-law’s entire bridal shower from invitations/thank you cards, party favors to decorations, it was quaint and whimsical! Everyone ooh’d and ahh’d! I’ve had lots of special requests for classes and Jamie delivers; she always has tasty treats and flavored coffees too ~Ashley W.

I have been attending Jamie's classes for over a year. Her ideas for cards are fresh and fun. She always tries to have several different styles of cards available, so everyone gets to make cards that fit their personal style. The techniques she shows each class can be used in many different applications. She is very patient teacher when instructing class members on how to use the Stampin Up products. ~ Carol D.

If I looked up the word sparkle in the dictionary, I would find Jamie Albanese picture there. I have had the sweet blessing of knowing Jamie and her family for over 5 years now. Every time I am with her I feel loved and inspired. When I am in one of her classes I feel my creative juices flow, as she encourages me to go outside my comfort zone. Jamie helped our girl scout troop make cards for a soldier who needed some encouragement!!! For any of you who have not been in one of Jamie's classes, please don't let another day slip by. She is a beautiful friend and she will become yours too. ~ Blessings, Karen:-)

Jamie has a great eye for style and flair, and it shows in her work. Yet she can pick up on your own individual style and makes great recommendations. I love that she is always flexible for last-minute decision maker mommies like me! So much fun to host craft events with your friends and family - that personal touch always means so much. ~ Adonna

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