Tis the Season to decorate and wrap presents... use this Ornament for both!
Start with a Hot Glue Gun, 3-1/2" Scalloped Tulle Ribbon in Crumb Cake, Snow Flurry Bigz Die, Big Shot, Champagne Glimmer Paper, Brushed Bronze Designer Button (all of that from the Holiday Mini) and then the Crumb Cake 1/2" Seam Binding Ribbon.
Punch Out the Large Snow Flake from the Snow Flurry Die and Champagne Glimmer Paper. Hot Glue the center of the back on one of the snow flakes. Loop In the Scallop Tulle Ribbon into the Hot Glue (I burned myself - so remember that it's HOT!).
Add More Hot Glue to the now looped Tulle Ribbon and then add the ends of the Seam Binding Ribbon a dash of more Hot Glue and the other Snow Flake! Easy Peasy!
The Button adds a little warmth and metal to this rich looking ornament!
My 4-1/2 year old wanted to make her own ornament this year... we'd done the paper ornaments with her sister's Girl Scout Troop... so this is HERS! Who wouldn't want to add this to their tree, window, wreath, door or present - as a bonus decoration and gift??
This warm colored ornament took all of 9 minutes to make, was fun and easy! It's rich looking and full of warmth.
Front or Back - this ornament wows every way!
Wow is exactly right Jamie. I love these ornaments. Thanks for playing with LNS this week!